Do I Need A Screen In My Glass Pipe?
Yes, yes you do! Otherwise, you end up with a mouthful of ash, embers and resin.
Affectionally known as Scooby Snacks, I believe.
 And nobody likes that!
The real question is, is there a screen that works well in a glass pipe?
The answer to this question was sadly, no, not really.
Now I have tried all the types of screens available to prevent the insides of my pipe from entering the inside of my mouth. An experience I found unpleasant to say the least.
Unfortunately, none of the screens available really solved the problem. The metal screens we used back in the old days of wooden pipes didn’t fit into or stay in the bowl very well. Plus, it sort of defeats the purpose of using glass. I have smoked enough metal screens in my life, I don’t need to smoke any more of them.
The glass screens that are supposed to fit into the opening in the bowl, simply clogged up the opening I was constantly using a poker to keep open. So, they were completely useless.
There had to be a better solution. I really enjoyed using my glass pipe right up until the time I didn’t and ended up with a mouthful of soot. As I could not find a conventional solution, I decided to fix the problem myself. I am fairly certain I made this decision right after cleaning ash out of my mouth.
If you use your pipe regularly, you understand the issue of keeping the opening in the bowl open.  As resin will continue to build up and make this opening smaller and smaller. Therefore, I didn’t want to add to this problem by putting any type of screen in the bowl itself. That left only one other opening to work with, and that is the mouthpiece opening. As this is where the ash, embers and resin leave the pipe and enter your mouth, this is where the screen needed to be. If you could keep the ash, embers and resin from coming out of the mouthpiece and into your mouth, while still allowing airflow for the smoke to pass through, then the problem is solved. Sounded easy at the time.
So, it took a little doing, but I am proud of the work put in and the final results.
I am pleased to introduce you to a revolutionary new way to use your glass pipe.
Ash Holes Screens
Ash Holes Screens. The one and only mouthpiece screen specifically designed to prevent ash, embers and resin from entering your mouth. Its unique design is intended to fit into the mouthpiece and is made from an FDA food grade silicone, so it is perfectly safe to put to your mouth and will not affect the taste of what you are smoking.
Ash Holes Screens catch all the stuff you don’t want, while allowing the smoke to pass through the screen. Of course, by doing this, the Ash Hole Screen will get clogged up, but it is very easy to clean, as it is made from silicon, so resin does not stick to it. Simply wipe it clean with a piece of paper towel, and it is ready to keep doing its job.
Ash Holes Screens are made in the U.S.A. They are extremely durable and can be used over, and over again.
Another aspect of the design that was important, is that it should not take away from the look or feel of the pipe. Ash Hole Screens are designed to fit snuggly into the mouthpiece opening without changing the look or feel of the pipe itself.
Without a screen | With a screen | Side view
So, if you want to enjoy your smoking experience without a mouthful of soot, please check out our website at www.ashholescreens.com